1. 2G2BT - too good to be true
  2. AFAIK - as far as I know
  3. AKA - also known as
  4. ASAP - as soon as possible
  5. ATM - automated teller machine
  6. B4 - before
  7. BBL - be back later
  8. BBS - be back soon
  9. BFF - best friends forever
  10. BIZ - business
  11. BRB - be right back
  12. BTW - by the way
  13. C&P - copy and paste
  14. C/O - care of
  15. C2C - customer to customer
  16. COB - close of business
  17. COI - conflict of interest
  18. CTO - chief technology officer
  19. CUL8R - see you later
  20. CX - correction
  21. DIY - do it yourself
  22. DM - direct message
  23. EOD - end of day
  24. EOM - end of message
  25. ETA - estimated time of arrival
  26. FOMO - fear of missing out
  27. FTFY - fixed that for you
  28. FWIW - for what it's worth
  29. FYI - for your information
  30. G2G - got to go
  31. HTH - hope that helps
  32. ICYMI - in case you missed it
  33. IDC - I don't care
  34. IDK - I don't know
  35. IIRC - if I recall correctly
  36. IMHO - in my humble opinion
  37. IMO - in my opinion
  38. IRL - in real life
  39. J/K - just kidding
  40. JK - just kidding
  41. KISS - keep it simple, stupid
  42. L8R - later
  43. LMAO - laughing my ass off
  44. LMK - let me know
  45. LY - love you
  46. M8 - mate
  47. NBD - no big deal
  48. NFW - no freaking way
  49. NP - no problem
  50. NVM - never mind
  51. OIC - oh, I see
  52. OMG - oh my god
  53. OMW - on my way
  54. OP - original post
  55. OTOH - on the other hand
  56. PLS - please
  57. POS - parents over shoulder
  58. POV - point of view
  59. QT - cutie
  60. RN - right now
  61. ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
  62. SMH - shaking my head
  63. SOL - sh*t out of luck
  64. STFU - shut the f*** up
  65. TBT - throwback Thursday
  66. TFW - that feeling when
  67. THX - thanks
  68. TIA - thanks in advance
  69. TMI - too much information
  70. TTYL - talk to you later
  71. TY - thank you
  72. U - you
  73. WTF - what the f***
  74. WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
  75. YOLO - you only live once
  76. YW - you're welcome