19-Oct-2022: ‘India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme’ at MP-IDSA launched during India-Africa Defence Dialogue on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022

The India-Africa Defence Dialogue (IADD) was held on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat on October 18, 2022. The Gandhinagar Declaration, adopted as the outcome document of the second edition of the IADD, charted out new areas for enhancing the India-Africa defence and security partnership.

During the IADD, in keeping with the new proposals of the Gandhinagar Declaration, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh launched the ‘India-Africa Security Fellowship Programme’ and released its brochure by handing it over to Director General, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA).

MP-IDSA, the knowledge partner for the IADD, will host the Fellowship Programme. The fellowship will give an opportunity to African scholars to pursue research on defence and security issues in India. The fellows would be attached with the MP-IDSA for a period of 1-3 months. A stipend would also be provided to the scholar. Further details of the application procedure may be gathered from the MP-IDSA website (https://www.idsa.in/).

19-Oct-2022: Defence Secretary holds bilateral meetings with delegations from African nations on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022

As a part of DefExpo 2022, the 2nd India-Africa Defence Dialogue was organised in Gandhinagar, Gujarat on October 18, 2022. The Defence Secretary held a number of bilateral meetings with delegations from African nations on this day.

A bilateral meeting was conducted with Lt Gen Isman Mohamed Hassan Karar, Secretary General MoD, Sudan. Lt Gen Rashad Abdelhamid Ismail Abdalla, Sudan Army Chief was also present. The ongoing defence cooperation issues and potential areas for future cooperation were discussed.

A Zambia delegation led by Mr. Norman Chipakupaku, Permanent Secretary, MoD Zambia met Defence Secretary Dr Ajay Kumar. Issues relating to training and capacity building were discussed, in addition to the review of ongoing bilateral defence cooperation.

Dr Ajay Kumar also met the Niger delegation led by Brigadier General Diddilli Amadou, Secretary General of the Defence Minister, Niger. Potential areas for defence cooperation between the two nations were deliberated.

A Mali delegation led by Maj Gen Sidiki Samake, Secretary General  of the Department met the Defence Secretary.  They discussed potential defence cooperation including defence industrial  cooperation issues.

18-Oct-2022: India-Africa Defence Dialogue held on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat

The India-Africa Defence Dialogue (IADD) was held on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat on October 18, 2022. The dialogue successfully brought out various aspects of the IADD’s theme ‘Adopting Strategy for Synergizing and Strengthening Defence and Security Cooperation’. Delivering the keynote address, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh defined the theme of IADD as the underlying commitment of India and African countries to explore new areas of convergence for defence engagements, including capacity building, training, cyber security, maritime security and counter terrorism. He termed India & African countries as important stakeholders in ensuring a safe and secure maritime environment, especially in the Indian Ocean Region. He pointed out that the two sides work together in many regional mechanisms, which foster inclusive and constructive collaboration in dealing with shared security concerns and address common challenges to peace and prosperity.

Emphasising that India & Africa share a multi-faceted defence and security cooperation relationship, Shri Rajnath Singh reiterated India’s support to Africa to deal with challenges of conflict, terrorism and violent extremism. “India remains united with African countries in their quest for peace, security, stability, growth and prosperity. Our partnership with Africa is centered on the ten guiding principles articulated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi during his address to Parliament of Uganda in 2018. He had clearly stated that Africa will be at the top of our priorities. We will continue to intensify and deepen our engagements with Africa. Apart from the goals of developmental, commercial and technological partnerships that India wants to forge with African nations, the statement also covered cooperation in strengthening capabilities in combating terrorism and extremism, supporting UN peacekeeping missions and work for open and free oceans,” he said.

The Raksha Mantri described the Indo-African ties as multi-faceted covering economic, diplomatic and defence domains. He highlighted that India and Africa share a robust partnership, which is based on the cooperative framework of ‘SAGAR’ (Security and Growth for All in the Region), drawn upon the ancient ethos of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ (The World is One Family).

Shri Rajnath Singh invited African countries to explore Indian defence equipment and technologies, stating that India has emerged as a leading defence exporter in recent years. “Peace, security and development are inter-related. Security is essential for enabling development in the region. We have created a robust public and private defence industry. A defence manufacturing ecosystem has been created in India which has the advantage of abundant technical manpower. Our defence industry can work with you to fulfil your defence requirements,” he told his African counterparts.

The Raksha Mantri was of the view that India does not believe in a hierarchical world order where few countries are considered superior to others. He stated that India’s international relations are guided by the essence of human equality and dignity, which is a part of its ancient ethos. “We do not believe in making or becoming a client or satellite state, and so, when we partner any nation, it is on the basis of sovereign equality and mutual respect. Forging relations comes naturally to India, as we work towards mutual economic development,” he said.

Shri Rajnath Singh also reaffirmed India’s belief that the global world order deserves to be democratised further. Stating that the world’s multilateral forums should be reflective of the change in global realities, he stressed on the need to make the UN Security Council more representative which will provide it with greater legitimacy, thereby sustaining a global order wherein the principles of international peace, security and order are respected universally.

The Raksha Mantri threw light on India’s support to Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic. He lauded the Indian Navy for exhibiting excellent capability and service through the Mission SAGAR initiatives, which helped provide timely supply of emergency medical supplies, besides deploying medical expert teams for training and assistance. “India has been the first responder in providing Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief  to several African countries,” he added.

Shri Rajnath Singh also elaborated on the history of political, economic and cultural linkages between India and Africa, saying that the feeling of solidarity, mutual trust and confidence born in the days of colonialism continues to drive the cooperation. He added that India has been one of the strongest advocates of African decolonisation and has worked for the end of racist and apartheid regimes of the past.

Later, the Gandhinagar Declaration was adopted as an outcome document of IADD 2022. It proposes to enhance cooperation in the field of training in all areas of mutual interest by increasing training slots and deputation of training teams, empowerment and capability building of the defence forces of Africa, participation in exercises and humanitarian assistance during natural disasters. India offered fellowship for experts from African countries through Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis.

Fifty African countries, including 20 Defence Ministers, seven CDS/Service Chiefs and eight Permanent Secretaries participated in the Dialogue attesting to the high priority accorded to India-Africa engagement in defence and security. On the sidelines of the IADD, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh and Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Ajay Bhatt met with the visiting African Ministers where issues related to defence and bilateral relations were discussed.

The IADD, as a part of DefExpo 2022, showcased to the African nations the growing prowess of the domestic defence industry, which is one of the major drivers of the nation’s resolve to achieve ‘Make in India, Make for the World’ as envisioned by the Prime Minister. This interaction is expected to help fulfilling the Defence requirements of our African partners as also achieving the objective of catering to our domestic requirements. A Special Cover on IADD and a book on ‘India-Africa Defence Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges’ were released during the event.

The IADD was institutionalised to be held biennially during successive DefExpos. It seeks to build on the existing defence partnerships between African countries & India and to explore new areas of convergence for mutual engagements including areas such as capacity building, training, cyber security, maritime security and counter-terrorism.

16-Oct-2022: India-Africa Defence Dialogue to be held on October 18 on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh will host the Defence Ministers of African Nations during the India-Africa Defence Dialogue (IADD) on October 18, 2022 on the sidelines of the 12th DefExpo in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The broad theme of the dialogue is ‘India-Africa: Adopting Strategy for Synergising and Strengthening Defence and Security Cooperation’.

India and Africa share close and historical ties. India’s approach towards Africa is guided by the Kampala Principles enunciated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2018. India’s engagement rests on African priorities as outlined by Africans themselves.

The first-ever India-Africa Defence Ministers Conclave was held in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh in conjunction with DefExpo on February 06, 2020. A Joint Declaration - ‘Lucknow Declaration’ - was adopted at the end of the conclave as an outcome document.

In continuance of the ‘Lucknow Declaration’ and in consultation with stakeholders, IAAD has been institutionalised to be held once every two years on the sidelines of DefExpo. The IADD will explore new areas of convergence for mutual engagement, including in areas like capacity building, training, cyber security, maritime security and counter terrorism.

Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) is the knowledge partner for the India-Africa Defence Dialogue.

19-Jul-2022: Shri Goyal emphasizes the need for India-Africa Trade and Investment Agreement.

Union Minister for Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution and Textile Shri Piyush Goyal has emphasized upon the need for a trade and investment agreement between India and Africa. Addressing the Special Ministerial Session at the 17th CII Exim Bank Conclave on India-Africa Growth Partnership today, Shri Goyal said that going forward, the economic outlook, in the long run, is going to be promising for both India and Africa, because this is where the markets and opportunities are present.

The Minister said that this conclave will certainly have a huge impact on our engagements, both bilaterally and also strengthen investment interest. “Every single engagement today demonstrates the immense possibilities between India & Africa. We will be able to offer new technologies that we are working in India that will help expand trade, commerce, business, investment & opportunities for Africa's youth,” the minister said.

Shri Goyal said that we believe that the destiny of nearly 3 billion people is in our hands as India and Africa offer future opportunities that are unparalleled. “India has a decisive leadership today. India's development partnership with Africa will be on terms that will be comfortable to Africa that will liberate its potential and not constrain its future. We want Africa to grow and prosper”, he said.

The Minister said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has stated our government’s commitment to the economic resurgence of Africa. He said India’s experience with digital revolution to support Africa's growth, extend education, health, spread digital literacy and quality infrastructure could be harnessed. Shri Goyal said India’s Startups and our digital innovations like UPI, ONDC etc. can benefit Africa immensely.

The Minister said that India is pursuing deeper engagement with several developed countries and that India recently concluded a Comprehensive Economic Partnership (CEPA) with UAE, and Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement with Australia. We are at an advanced stage of discussion with UK and are looking for an enhanced partnership with Canada, EU, Israel and other nations.

Concluding his address, Shri Goyal said that as India enters the Amrit Kaal, it cares not only for the prosperity of its own citizens but for every citizen of the world.

19-Jul-2022: India plans to strengthen its partnership with Africa in the areas of Solar Power, defence trade & military exchanges, physical & digital infra and healthcare & pharma

India plans to strengthen its partnership with Africa in four areas to fulfil aspirations of both the countries. First area is solar power, this will help bring clean energy, energy security and will create jobs in Africa. Second is defence trade and military exchanges in Indian Ocean, manufacturing of armoured vehicles and UAVs. Third is physical & digital infra, helping in IT/Consultancy & Project Exports and the fourth one is healthcare & pharma. 

Speaking at the inaugural session of CII-EXIM Bank Conclave on India-Africa Growth Partnership, the Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution and Textile Shri Piyush Goyal said that deep friendship between India and Africa countries, developing over the years is based on shared history, trade ties & love for cinema. He said that Mahatma Gandhi first practiced the principles of Satya & Ahimsa in Africa. Similarity in our freedom struggles have solidified the foundation of our friendship.

Shri Goyal said that our government accords highest priority to our Africa engagements. He said we would reassure that India’s ties with Africa are based on trust, friendship and deep understanding of each other’s requirements.

He further added that India-Africa partnership will play an important role in our journey going forward as India and Africa are collectively constitutes 1/3 of the world’s population and both of us are very much aliened in several areas.

Shri Goyal said that the engagement between CII and EXIM bank put together along with all African nations will play a very critical role in our shared future and prosperity of people of Africa and India.

He said, we are working to lead the developing world out of food insecurity, efforts are being made to take quality life and prosperity to the people of India and Africa. Our deep friendship can be best demonstrated by our continuous engagement through Vaccine-Maitri during Covid period.

He said that this conference is been held just before India completes 75th year of independence, when we are celebrating the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.  We are setting new goals and setting a new vision for India’s development. He further added that as the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi calls it Azadi ka Amrit Kaal, the golden era.  He said that the mission before the country is to make India a prosperous nation, a nation that cares for both Indian citizen and every citizen of the world. A nation that gives leadership to economic development, growth and prosperity of the world, as we complete 100 years of independence in 2047 the next very important 25 years.

He further talked about the support India receives from South Africa, as proposed TRIPS waiver (sponsored by SA & India) and supported by all African countries, shows the prowess of our partnership and our efforts to work as a grouping of developing nations. He said this was evident at WTO Ministerial also, where India and Africa became the voice of developing & less developed countries. He said we achieved the relevance of the multilateral trading systems and protected our future growth imperatives. Together India and Africa can solve several global issues.

He said that there are four pillars of India-Africa engagement i.e. people, Business, Trade & Government. There is an Indian diaspora presence in nearly 46 African Countries. India is among top 5 investors in Africa with investment at $71 bn over the last 25 years. He said, our companies are working to support local manufacturing in Africa and to hope to see deeper engagements between business of India and Africa.

Further, he added that in terms of trade, Africa is India’s 4th largest trading partner of India. He said our merchandise trade grew by 34% from $67 bn in 2019-20 to $89 bn in 2021-22. India’s export $40 bn and Imports $ 49 bn from various African countries.

Shri Goyal said that this is the time, India and Africa can lead global growth. We look at Africa as partners in progress. He said India gave 27 LDC African nations benefit of Duty Free Tariff Preference.

Shri Goyal informed that in terms of our Government to Government engagement, we have e-VidyaBharat & e-ArogyaBharati supporting education and healthcare in Africa. He said in the post-Covid world, Indian knowledge in healthcare and education will help deepen engagement with Africa.

Further in his address, he said we can work together to bring cost effective solutions in several areas like drinking water logistics , healthcare education , Fintech and solar powers among others too. 

Shri Goyal said India has created the world's third largest startup ecosystem. India can help co-create similar system in various African nations and DPIIT can share experience & expertise of Startup India for Startup Africa.

13-Sep-2021: India–Africa Defence Dialogue to be held alongside every DefExpo

India and Africa share a close and historical relationship. The foundation of India–Africa defence relations are based on the two guiding principles namely ‘SAGAR’, Security and Growth for All in the Region’ and ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’, The World is One Family.

The first-ever India Africa Defence Ministers Conclave (IADMC) was held in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh in conjunction with DefExpo on February 06, 2020, co-organised by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of External Affairs. This was the first in the series of Pan Africa events at the Ministerial level in the run-up to India Africa Forum Summit IV. A Joint Declaration, ‘Lucknow Declaration’ was adopted after conclusion of IADMC 2020 as an outcome document of the Conclave.

In furtherance of the declaration and in consultation with stakeholders, India proposes to institutionalise the India Africa Defence Dialogue during successive DefExpos to be held once every two years. Institutionalisation of the India Africa Defence Dialogue will help building on the existing partnerships between African countries & India and to explore new areas of convergence for mutual engagements including areas like capacity building, training, cyber security, maritime security and counter terrorism.

It has been decided that Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses shall be the knowledge partner of India Africa Defence Dialogue and will assist in providing necessary support for enhanced defence cooperation between India and Africa.

It has also been decided that Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh will host the Defence Ministers of African Nations in the next India – Africa Defence Dialogue on the sidelines of the DefExpo that is scheduled to be held at Gandhinagar, Gujarat in March 2022. The broad theme of this India Africa Defence Dialogue will be ‘India – Africa: Adopting Strategy for Synergizing and Strengthening Defence and Security Cooperation’.

2-Apr-2019: India-Africa Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development

In order to complement the efforts of the Government of India to enhance capacity in the areas of agro-financing and entrepreneurship development for African countries, Ministry of External Affairs signed an MoU with National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Consultancy Service (NABCONS) for setting up India-Africa Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development (IAIARD) in Malawi.

IAIARD will be a Pan-African Institute wherein trainees not only from Malawi but also from other African countries, will receive training to develop their human resources and build their capacity. IAIARD will develop training programmes in the areas of micro-financing and agro-financing, among others. The entire expenditure on faculty from India, the travel, logistics and training course expenses for students from other African countries will be borne by the Government of India for an initial period of three years.

This institute will be the first of its kind developed in an African country by India. This will further strengthen the bilateral relations with Malawi and India’s relations with African Union.