The oceanic pole of inaccessibility is the place in the ocean that is farthest from land. It lies in the South Pacific Ocean, 2,688 km from the nearest lands.

Known as "Point Nemo", Nemo being Latin for "no one" and also a reference to Jules Verne's Captain Nemo, it lies more than 1,400 nm.(2,593 km) from the nearest landmass.

The area is so remote that sometimes the closest human beings are astronauts aboard the International Space Station when it passes overhead.

The area is also known as a "spacecraft cemetery" because hundreds of decommissioned satellites, space stations, and other spacecraft have been deposited there upon re-entering the atmosphere to lessen the risk of hitting inhabited locations or maritime traffic. Point Nemo is relatively lifeless; its location within the South Pacific Gyre blocks nutrients from reaching the area, and being so far from land it gets little nutrient run-off from coastal waters.